I have learned from a bunch of tutorials so I am resetting and doing a new run of the RP-0 missions. I am going to start with a nice $100m start point ($100,000 in the game) so I can start with a couple A-4 tests (which are captured V-2 rockets).  I have a much better understanding of Test Flight and how these things work so hopefully it will be interesting. A-4 Alpha Test Flight Uses the base A-4 setup with all of its defined parts.  Just want to get a rocket off the ground and see how high it goes! Jan 4, 1951 Just the basic A-4 Rocket with antenna and telemetry experiment. Early morning (dawn) 12:22 UTC is the time, launching in a few minutes and launching our space program! 2659dV with a 1m 5s, burn time on the A-4 (rated for 1m 10s). Standing by... Forgot the pumps, they are now on.  Forgot the staging, that is now fixed... 166.867 km reached.  Just into low space.  Not enough power to get telemetry there though. Range destroyed. Got 3.4 science and some bucks! Still had some dV left (2 seconds), because the hTC ran out.  Can't do much about that. A-4 Bravo Test Flight Same test except I want to get a few pictures from on high.  Our first pics from space. Also, maybe able to get telemetry above 140 km. Jan 17, 1951 13:37 UTC on a rather foggy morning. 2652dV (less due to cameras). Ready for liftoff. 200km apogee!!  Engine lasted the whole way! Great pics and got the science as well. Range destroyed. <A-4 Tests Complete> I am ready to move toward my sounding rockets and send these babies up high for some science! I am calling this the Sonner series (French for sound). They will use Aerobee engines which will require some development tests.  I will add more to get them higher as the engine develops and lead us towards our orbital missions. Aerobee has a burn time of 50s.  Reliability is half of the possible because there is no flight data.  The first mission is to get it off the ground and get some engine reliability. The fuel is at 50s, but it will burn on the pad for a few seconds first (with pumps on), so it should burn out before the fuel ends.  It will get me the max though. The dV is at 2389 so it may not break atmosphere (140km).  Still need to add fins. Now dV is at 2349.  I put a slight twist in the fins so it will be fin-stabilized with a bit of rotation. The science is on action group 5 and the range destroy on 0 (zero). Let's give this a fly! The craft name is Sonner 1. Sonner Alpha Jan 18, 1951 23:00 UTC.  An late afternoon launch of our first sounding rocket. Some science on board to do at the low level. Got the low flying science.  Craft reached 67.7 km apogee.  The fins heated up a bit.  They did not blow.  (not able to handle supersonic)  The engine cut out at 50 sec. Range destroyed. This craft can reach high flying (above 50km) so I can get more science than what I have.  Over 10 I can get the better rockets for orbital flight and then the avionics as well. Sonner Bravo Jan 30, 13:15 UTC.  Beautiful clear day! Going for >50km basic science. No engine burnout this time.  Made the fins a bit thinner so that may have helped as well since I got to an apogee of 90+km! Range destroyed. <Sonner Early Tests> I may do some sounding rockets (Sonner 2) using the A-4 engine and see what happens.  Maybe add some science? I went ahead and built Sonner 1-A.  This is a Sonner 1 craft with the Tiny Tim booster to give it a little extra kick.  It got to 150km+ in its simulation so I want to try and see if I can get some low space science here. Sonner Charlie (uses a Sonner 1-A craft) Feb 12, 1951.  Partial clouds. Goal is a low space science run with a boosted Sonner 1 rocket. Reached an apogee of 155.6 km. Aerobee rocket went all the way to it rated burn (50 sec).  No failures.  Science transmitted. Range destroyed. <Low Space>