I am going to name these differently since coming up with new names all the time seems hard!  I may add some descriptive names to the log #.  This is now (likely) a set of mundane contract missions of ever-increasing orbits or sending probes hurtling off to the Mun or Minmus.  Let's see what the contracts offer! "Orbital Return Probe" This is designed to go into orbit, collect science, and return the samples.  It will fulfill a contract for Radial chutes that should cover the mission cost. 4124dV according to MechJeb. Needed to upgrade building (more than 30 parts). Did NOT achieve orbit.  I got my science, but orbit was way short.  Odd.  It said I had the dV.  Not sure where the error is in my setup. Chute contract fulfilled.  Science 39.0 earned. Not good for orbital missions... <Near Space Return>