A basic Kerbin Orbiter (Manned Orbital 1) has been created to achieve our first Kerbal orbit.  It is a 2 Kerbal craft and will do a straightforward into space, do an EVA, get some reports and return mission.  Keeping it simple before we start exploring our little mini system. Chariot 1 (Valentina, Bill) Manned Orbital 1 (5001 dV) Launch date: 1y 31d 869 dV at a 200km near circ orbit.  Got some goo science and EVA reports. Returning for the basic mission. Solid mission and splashdown.  Decent science and awards. Kerbals have achieved space! Constructed System Simple Probe from the Probe+ parts (which are pretty cool).  It is a basic probe with a non-disconnecting base that hols some basic science for gathering from the nearby system that Kerbin is now part of. Temp, Barometer, Orbital Telescope, and Mag Boom. All this science transmits completely. So, I think I am ready to do some experiments with this probe and get some dV ideas. Explorer 1 System Simple Probe craft (5966 dV) Launch date: 1y 31d I think I may just try pointing the ship at Aptur and seeing what happens!  (It did not happen) 5966 at launch (going for 200km orbit) I screwed this up and started winging it.  Getting into a Sonnah orbit to see what I can do. Looks like I can pull off a Mun flyby, possible an orbit.  Let me see. Got to Mun, need 900+dV to make orbit.  Only have 644 so I may try something else.  I lowered the thrust but I just flew by. Got some more science and some closeup images of Sonnah.  I have enough dV (530 needed) to change my Sonnah periapsis to 1000km so maybe that is enough for low space.  Let's see! We have 114 dV left after burn.  We can get closer on another pass. Low space occurred around 6000km from what I can see. Okay, 114 is enough to send the probe plunging into Sonnah's atmosphere.  Why not! Explorer 1, you have been a good probe friend...Godspeed. I will try and get what science I can and also track where the atmo levels might be for future missions. <Explorer 1> An incredible job.  Got some science in the Sonnah atmosphere and also determined the approximate levels as follows: High space: >6000km Low Space: 275km-6000km High Flying: 175km - 275km Low Flying: <175km