Luna-1 will be the first Mun mission specific to the historicals (I realize that other Mun and Minmus missions have occurred). Launch date: Feb 27, 1951 Luna-1 (using Luna Base craft) This is a Mun Flyby and than heliocentric orbit.  I may have to use thrust to get the 2nd part fulfilled.  This also took care of the Explorer-7 contract which was not interesting. I have learned to lock the gimbal on the circ burn if it is still an unlocked one. I may not need to do the extra burn.  I am doing a very close pass (8km) which may slingshot me out. Passed within 10km.  Am getting slung out! <Luna-1> I have broken $2M in cash.  Getting ready for more expensive missions in the near future. Built a craft (Mun Orbiter) to handle a NASA contract for some science from Mun.  This could bring in some extra science as well as be paid for.  It uses a really huge dish that looks very interesting when it is opened.  It is a 2 of 3 requirement mission which is good because I have already done one of them remote and now it does not require a return. Building the Mun craft required an upgrade of the launchpad for mass. Launch date: March 1, 1951 Munar Science Mission (Munar orbiter craft) 4887 dV going for Munar orbit with both high and low zones included. Late day launch. 70deg at 100 m/s, turn to 15 at 30K+.  Apoasis goal of 125km. Got to Mun orbit and the SIGINT was fine.  However, the mat lab is not transmitting any science even though it is has not been done in high orbit before.  Very odd.  I am closing the contract because I don't understand why this is not even sending partial data.  It should be. <Mun Science> I got the contract for Luna-2 and I have a craft ready to go (I used the Luna 2 probe for the Luna 1 mission).  I am holding for now as I go investigate the 1.1.2 mod kerbalverse! Launch date: March 2, 1951 Luna 2 (Luna Base craft) 5802 dV.  This is a mission where the craft crashes into Mun.  Pretty basic. I will get an Explorer 9 contract along with it (those are getting tedious). Got both.  Successful crash (?!?) <Luna 2> Got contract for Pioneer 4 (also Explorer 10 with has an 18mm apoasis) and should be able to do both in one swoop since the main contract is a Munar flyby and then heliocentric orbit which can use the high apoasis.  I have the equipment as well.  Later.